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Vital Times Newsletter
Newsletter Winter 2010

What We've Been Learning Lately...

I can confidently say that our therapists at Vitality are pretty excited about the things we have been learning as of late. All registered massage therapists participate in continuing education on an annual basis. Recently, we have all been immersed in various types of these courses. All this new information increases our ability to help our patients with various musculoskeletal health concerns and questions. This spring we were away on courses and participating in on-site seminars.

Hopefully, this newsletter can give you just a taste of some of these exciting things and foster some questions and possible treatment options for our patients.

In This Issue:

TMJ Dysfunction, Jaw & Headache Pain
Assessment & Homecare for Chronic Headaches
Thermal Breast Imaging
Post Mastectomy Clinical Care & Practices
Incontinence and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and/or Pain


Vitality Treatment Centre
302-1842 Oak Bay Ave
Victoria, BC V8R 1C2

Ph: 250.370.1020

Monday to Friday
8:30 am to 7:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday
8:30 am to 5:00 pm

TMJ Dysfunction, Jaw and Headache Pain & how Neuromuscular Dentistry Can Help

Tired of Chronic Headaches? Do you get headaches often or for no apparent reason? Have you ever discussed your headaches with your dentist? Did you know that 80-90% of headaches are related to muscle tension and that the muscles in your forehead are related to your bite? Many headaches are the result of dental problems that can be corrected. If you experience migraines, pain behind your eyes, jaw pain, jaw muscle pain or common headaches, it may be dentally related.
Read the rest on our website...

Assessment & Homecare
for Chronic Headaches

We spent a couple of productive hours with Noel Frayne, RMT, who has spent over 20 years of his career looking at how a specific pattern of musculoskeletal imbalances can contribute to chronic headaches. His insights gave use new ways of interpreting the assessment information we collect from our patients and taught us specific home care that is proving to be very successful when clients apply them regularly.

Thermal Breast Imaging

In July we had an information session with Valentus Clinic regarding the use of thermal breast imaging for cancer screening. It was very informative and worth looking into for increasing awareness in scanning breast tissue and developing a concrete history about the changes in your breast composition and possible early detection of pathogens such as cancer. Valentus does many more interesting things that are worth checking out.

New research and evolving clinical practice makes massage therapy an ever changing and advancing field. It is exciting to have so much new and diverse information available to us as practitioners. We hope to continually keep educating ourselves and pass this on to all of you.

Post-Mastectomy Clinical Care & Practices

Over the May long weekend three of us had the pleasure of attending a course offered by Willie Fourie, a South African physiotherapist who has specialized in treating women post mastectomy. The three days in Vancouver were very informative.

Women and men who have been diagnosed with breast cancer may undergo various levels of invasive surgery, ranging from biopsies to radical bilateral mastectomies. As life-saving as these surgeries are, there are some post-surgical effects a patient will likely experience. For example: swelling of the extremities, loss of range of motion of the neck and/or shoulder, muscle imbalances remote from the surgical site.

Reconstruction can also affect soft tissue. In some, muscles from the abdomen or the back are used to rebuild the breast. It is our ability as massage therapists to affect connective tissue post-surgery by reducing/remodelling the scar that allows us to aid patients in regaining functional ability. We are very lucky to have three therapists fully trained in Manual Lymph Drainage. This technique in conjunction with connective tissue scar release can be of great benefit.

Incontinence and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and/or Pain

Our "in-house" educational seminars started last year with the introduction of physiotherapist Jodi Ganton, who specializes in the health and recovery of the pelvic and abdominal muscles. Sometimes post surgical or post natal our bodies do not recover optimally and we can have dysfunction of the pelvic floor and core muscles. This can result in varying levels of incontinence and/or pain. Surprisingly, many people just chalk this up to age or the effect of giving birth to a child. I have spoken with many people who simply wear incontinence pads or always use the washroom before they leave the house "just in case." These are all practices Jodi would not recommend, as they may in fact increase the incidence of incontinence. As mentioned pain is often associated with pelvic floor dysfunction.

Jodi is a wealth of information and for some may have some simple corrective solutions to these above mentioned issues. Jodi is located at McKenzie Physiotherapy and holds workshops frequently. Please call 250-477-1441 to find out more.

Vitality Treatment Centre is a multi- disciplinary health treatment centre located near the Oak Bay Village of Victoria, BC, Canada.

Modalities We Offer
Massage Therapy
Manual Lymph Drainage
Cranio-Sacral Therapy
Trad'l Chinese Medicine
Myofascial Release
Hot Stones Therapy

Gift Certificates Available

Please feel free to contact us regarding this or any of our other therapies.
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